Parag Shah
1 min readDec 2, 2020


Hi Rose, congratulations on the changes that you've been able to make. I'm happy that 2020 is ending with a positive note for you.

I'd like to ask a few questions if you don't mind:

1. Did you use any process along with the vision board? For example looking and the board and journaling or keeping the images in your mind consciously for a certain amount of time everyday?

2. Does having too many pics on the vision board muddle the head? Do you have any thoughts on the max amount of pics that a board can contain while still keeping the vision articulate?

3. You mentioned that your grades improved as a result of visioning. Can you please specifically about what changed in your studying process as a result of the vision board? Did your cognition/memory improve? Did it inspire you to change your study processes?

Thank you for the post. You mentioned better hair and nails so I'm sure this process might work for manifesting better health and stronger bones as well.

Right now I work with journaling my goals but after reading your post I'm very keen to add a vision board also.

Thanks for sharing and good luck!!!

