Notes From an Online Sound Healing Summit — 5/16 — Jonathan Goldman
The fifth interview Jeralyn did in the Sacred Science of Sound online summit was with Jonathan Goldman.
Jonathan Goldman is an American author, musician and teacher in the fields of Harmonics and Sound Healing. He is based in Boulder, Colorado. His career spans over 30 years. In 2011, he was included by the Watkins Review as 74 on its list of “100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People in the World”. — From Jonathan Goldman’s page on Wikipedia
Similar to other guests, Jonathan also mentioned that everything in the universe, and in our body, is in a state of vibration.
He then went on to describe two ways in which sound heals:
- When sound enters our ear it affects our brain. Music, almost every type of music, has a healing ability depending on your current need. You can choose the type of song or music to create the intended effect.
- Sound can also change our molecular structure, thus affecting change at the cellular/DNA level.
I found this to be very fascinating because, according to Jonathan Goldman, sound has the potential to heal our brain and cells of the body. However, he also added that sound needs to be coupled with an intention, for healing to actually occur. So, make an intention and then listen to the appropriate music or simply hum.
This technique looks very simple but is very powerful. In the past few years, I have dealt with several painful issues and energies. Music along with listening to audiobooks has provided both refuge and healing.
I often sit with my journal and make a list of all the songs that I have enjoyed over the years and tag them with the type of emotional/vibrational state they create in me. I am creating playlists of songs for pepping me up, for dealing with anxiety & fear, for clearing my mind, and so on. Try this and see for yourself; but don’t forget to make an intention before you hit the play button.
I also work with music to introspect and connect with deeper parts of myself. For this, I usually work with instrumental or devotional music.