The What and Why of My Writing
Day 2/31: Blog Your Own Book Challenge
It’s always nice to have clarity about what and why I want to do something. Writing is no different. That’s why I liked the first exercise of the Blog Your Own Book Challenge to define what I want to write and why I want to write it.
It certainly helped me and if you an aspiring writer, it may help you too.
My favorite tool for brainstorming is my journal and that’s what I turned to for brainstorming the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of my writing.
What do you want to write about?
I began by asking myself three questions:
- What do I want to share with the world?
- What kind of writing will give me joy and satisfaction?
- What kind of writing will add meaning to my own life?
I came up with several points for each of these questions:
What do I want to share with the world? My knowledge, my experiences so others can avoid making the same mistakes that I have made or adopt a process that has helped me, and the way I see the world and life.
What kind of writing will give me joy and satisfaction? I enjoy both non-fiction and fiction.